Fundraising Stories
We rely on donations and fund raising activity, along with some sponsorship, to survive. In a nutshell - no money, no Friends of Parkies. So when we hear about the fantastic efforts of people to raise funds we like to shout about it and say thanks.

Llangollen fundraising walk - 16th April 2023
I received this amazing story today. Elaine 😁
Hi everyone. I hope this is okay to post, I contacted Elaine a few months ago asking about your community group in hopes I could set up a fundraiser to donate in honour of my Taid (grandad) who had Parkinson’s and sadly passed away last July.
After weeks of planning and sharing the go-fund-me page we finally completed our 7mile walk around Llangollen today as a family to remember our Taid. I just wanted to let you know that so far we’ve reached £1200 to be donated towards your community group and to help pay towards the Cue 1 device I’ve heard many people are still waiting for. We will be leaving the fundraiser open for a couple more weeks as we’re hoping to raise some more. But I thought I would share a bit about what we’ve done to raise the money. we hope that this will help make a difference and have a positive impact 💖 08/05/23 - Latest - Total raised a fantastic £1352.63

Bryan Evans
The funeral service was held on April 6th and the £700.65 raised through the collection was donated to Friends of Parkies by the widow of Bryan Evans, Lyn.
Mr Evans, who lived in Oswestry, attended the Wynnstay Hotel seminar back in 2021 and wished money from the collection to go to a local Parkinson's.
support group.
Thank-you very much Lyn.
Megan Bowen
At her recent wedding anniversary party Megan raised £250 which she donated to the group. Thank-you and congratulations on your anniversary.